Monday, April 18, 2016

What is a Personal Injury Attorney?

A personal injury attorney is one that specializes in helping individuals that get injured in motor vehicle accidents, on the job, or in other circumstances.  Over the years, this section of the law has taken quite a public relations beating in the media with terms like “snake,” “shark,” or “ambulance chaser” being used to describe attorneys that work exclusively helping individuals, not corporations.  The reality is that personal injury attorneys are the only attorneys that have the knowledge, experience, and resources to take on the big corporations, and insurance companies, and help the so called “little guy” get the compensation he deserves.

Throughout recorded history those with power and money such as big companies have used this power and money in certain circumstances to exploit their workers, or gain an unfair advantage.  To the insurance companies, people that file claims are literally just claim numbers, rather than people with families to support.  It is the job of the insurance company, or self-insured big corporation to try and pay the person that they injured as little as possible because it’s just “good for business.”
Personal injury attorneys are the last white knights that exist in today’s society, and can literally be the only thing preventing a person from getting taken advantage of by an insurance company, or self-insured corporation.  Without personal attorneys, justice is often not served.  For through lawsuits brought on the behalf of the injured, personal injury lawyers have acted to check corporate recklessness, and made the world a fairer and safer place.

If you get in an auto accident, or are injured on the job in North Carolina, or South Carolina during this time, Tippens & Zurosky is available to serve your auto accident and workers’ compensation needs.  Tippens & Zurosky has represented people involved in auto accidents, or hurt on the job in North Carolina and South Carolina for nearly twenty years.  Let us answer any of your questions regarding any automobile accident, or work-related injury.  Call us toll free at (877) 372-3580, or 704-343-0018 to schedule a consultation so that we may assist you.

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